Air treatment and distribution systems, relevant GMP-based facility services as well as monitoring and control systems.
Project & Site ManagementWe participate in all the stages of a project according to the requirements, standards, regulations and needs of the industry.
Work ExecutionWe provide for the physical completion of the work: supply, assembly, installation and start-up of the equipment and systems.
Commissioning & QualificationWe prepare the corresponding documentation and/or any adjustment, verification and follow-up work for each case.
MaintenanceWe design and implement predictive, preventive or corrective maintenance plans according to the needs of our clients.
In 1993 we set up our business in Buenos Aires. Since then we have participated in the development of a wide variety of projects for the pharmaceutical industry in Argentina and also in other Latin American countries such as Chile, Mexico, Uruguay and Costa Rica, among others.

Our company is made up by a dynamic group of professionals and technicians who are concerned about achieving the best quality levels in our services.
We have ongoing contact with national and international professional associations.
Asociación Argentina del Frío (Argentine Cooling Association) and The American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers
Asociación Argentina de Farmacia y Bioquímica Industrial (Argentine Association of Industrial Pharmacy and Biochemistry)
Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación (Argentine Institute for Standardization and Certification)
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
To become a leading company in the development of Engineering Projects for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
To provide a professional service that includes the development of engineering projects meeting the highest national and international quality requirements, and seeking the satisfaction of our customers.
In order to achieve our Vision and accomplish our Mission, we have implemented the following Quality Policy:
To provide a service that fully satisfies our Client’s needs, thus gaining their trust; a concept that prevails in all our projects and represents a permanent obligation for our staff.
To evaluate, motivate and train our human resources on a permanent basis and thus develop their full potential to achieve the goals set.
To protect and preserve the environment in all our activities and projects.
To ensure the permanent development of the Organization’s Quality Management, based on the ISO 9001:2000 Standard as the driving force for continuous improvement.
To prioritize the quality of life of our staff.
We render cost-effective and high quality services.
We provide a professional service that meets the needs of our clients, ensuring Quality Management at every stage of the process.
We have a wide experience in equipment and systems maintenance that are part of our customers facilities, such as liquid coolers, air handling units, dust collectors, water pumps, cooling towers, electrical and control systems, etc.
We are particularly concerned with preserving the environment
Sustainability is understood as the development that meets the current needs without compromising the capacity of future generations, ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social welfare.

From the CEO’s desk
Roque Perez 3694 Piso 2 “A” (C1430FBX) CABA | Argentina
(+54 11) 45 44 5600